A Local Non-Profit Finds Success Using webXten

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Riding with Heart no longer has to call or pay a Web Developer to make quick changes to their website.
riding-logoweb-editing-with-webxtenRiding with Heart, a local non-profit specializing in therapeutic horseback riding, was the first to deploy webXten on their website. Image that you operate a non-profit that specializes in therapeutic horseback riding lessons. One day, you get to meet the indomitable Temple Gradin. You can easily share the news and a picture on Facebook, but what about your website? Most small business owners can’t. In the past, Chris Baxter, Program Director used to have to call a web developer. “It was frustrating. I would want to make a quick announcement but then had to remember to call our web developer, explain my needs, and hope that she had time that week to assist me.” Calling a web developer repeatedly is also expensive for a non-profit. We added a webXten Xspot to the sidebar area on the right side of her website. Now, Chris can simply log into the webXten editing tool and make the changes herself. She can even publish a picture. After we set her up, Chris couldn’t believe how easy it was to use webXten, “Holy Cow is that easy!!! I thought there would be a learning curve for me but there wasn’t. You rocked it!” Now – whenever she meets a famous person, or needs to make an annoucement, she can update her website herself. Thanks Chris, for being the very first person in the world to use webXten!!!  WebXten is proud to be part of your program and may we both enjoy continued success together. To learn more about Riding with Heart just check out their website here, as well as read the green sidebar on the right side of the page – powered by webXten.